When professional make mistakes.. it makes a difference who the professional is..

Thai Airways plane skids off runway, injuring 14



Just “Google”…. “airplane slides off runway” and you get all sorts of returns… many of these even make the national news…  even when not the first person gets hurt…

How we professional Pharmacists are different…

Recently I was told about a RPH that caught a tech labeling error… the newborn’s label was directing the parent to give the infant nearly TWENTY TIMES of a beta blocker than was prescribed.

A accident.. for sure… no one harmed .. for sure…  made the local news… NAH …

Maybe this is why pts don’t understand what we do…  because we do it so transparently… that it appears that we just “put tablets in a bottle”

This was a internal error.. but.. it could just as easily have been a error from some prescriber… that was caught…

Somedays you are the bug… somedays you are the windshield….


3 Responses

  1. That is what we do everyday…fix errors. Just last night, had to call a physician to discontinue a home medication that was contraindicated with the admission diagnoses. The errors that don’t get caught make the news, not the zillions of near misses.

  2. We silently protect our patients all the time, not even alerting them to the fact that we saved someone’s life. Other times when we tell patients of the crisis that was averted, they just shrug their shoulders and leave.

    That’s ok. A good deed needs no reward.

  3. I worked with this RPH for 15 years….not so sure that any of the others would have caught the calculation error….way too busy changing times and making sure they don’t go RED. What a way to start your overnight shift…absolute best that I’ve ever worked with!!!!

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