It would appear that the nomenclature surrounding the use/abuse of opiates is changing once again… They have seem to finally figure out that we don’t have a EPIDEMIC.. because addiction is not contagious. They have also seem to be moving away from using both terms addiction and dependency and now they are just using the term “substance use disorder”…

So anyone using/abusing opiates or controlled substances are now being labeled as having a SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER…

Is a “disorder” … a disease…. a mental health issue… or a moral failing ?

It would appear that the number of Face Book pages devoted to pain and/or disease issues with pain associated with it.. that keep expanding almost exponentially

The common thread among all those Face Book pages is a lot of whining, bitching and moaning and if anyone believes that anyone that are perpetuating this covert genocide are following any of these FB pages… and or cares what is said on these FB pages … are kidding themselves.

A handful or two have tried to be a lighting rod to organize some demonstrations across the country and/or collect facts about how the bureaucracy is harming the chronic pain community.

Maybe everyone should take a step back and look at the number of protestors that showed up this past week against Kavanaugh getting confirmed by the Senate.  Kavanaugh still got confirmed and all those hundreds of  people on the capital steps MAY HAVE changed the mind of TWO SENATORS to vote NO – MAYBE…

And just like the few people that showed up for the various demonstrations last month in various cities… some got some TV coverage and some got some unwanted notice with people setting up free needles and/or encouraging people to have Narcan handy. Then there was one TV station that included the piece about the denial of pain care… they included something about the opiate crisis and/or free needles and the use of Narcan.

If you cannot control the message…   because you can’t get the full attention of the messenger, you never know what is going to show up on the nightly news.

Is it time for pts to start filing complaints en mass ?

The American with Disability act is at the federal level and many states have a similar law.

If you are on Medicare or Medicaid then www.cms.gov or 800-Medicare

If you have other health insurance there is a state insurance commissioner. Every complaint filed against an insurance company gets posted on the insurance commissioner’s webpage – and STAYS THERE…  Seeing the number of complaints against an insurance company on the insurance commissioner’s website … does not make any insurance company happy.

If you have company insurance and it is a ERISA plan (company is self insured) .. the “insurance company” is just paying out the employer’s money and there is normally someone in the employer company who can tell the “insurance company” to just cover the service and PAY THE BILL.

Each state has a Pharmacy Board, Medical Board, Nursing Board or Dental Board or other such boards… and while they may dismiss your complaint.. they have to put in the healthcare practitioner’s file…

Having complaints en mass .. then it will be time for pts to take their issue to their state or fed legislators… they passed the laws that these agencies are refusing to enforce. Presuming that there is a volume of ignored or dismissed complaints … the legislators may not be very pleased with what is going on in regards of enforcement of the laws they passed.

3 Responses

  1. Don’t trust Facebook. I started asking why all of these sites, and webpages, seem to get anecdotal stories. I noticed this same response on mass media sites also, when they post articles about opiates. There are too many sites, and most of them or Pharma funded, so they have an agenda. This seems to be a pattern in most patient advocacy. The “Tell your Story” campaigns have done nothing, they have silenced, us all. They came up with sophisticated counter narratives, because they could not have patients getting together online. There is no attempt to unify, Pharma and the medical industry would not approve,
    They weaponized the stigma, anyone with pain is now an addict, even when they don’t want opiates. Most sites are promoting pseudo science, alternative medicine, platitudes, and anecdotal stories. This is the tip of the iceberg, pain is only part of it. There is a lot of profit in denying how bad our healthcare system is, the worst in the developed world, and the most expensive. In order to keep it hat way, they have to silence patients or distract them with marketing.
    Our nation is based on lies, we have alternative facts. Our healthcare system is broken, and our regulatory boards are ineffective or they work for the industry, We are all being Gas Lighted. People want to stay in denial. this country has been at war for 17 years, and they have to deny the pain that is causing, and the costs. It is pretty clear that every lie was manufactured to benefit the corporation that own our government and policy makers,

  2. Steve as always Thank you. I am not trying to split hairs, that said I have my hair splinter handy. I have always felt I REQUIRE my Pain meds, as w/ my other conditions (high blood pressure,etc). I get the dependence pov I just believe require is better suited. Steve as always Thank you so very much

  3. Thank you so much for thid information!

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