Who are you being referred to for additional care or services


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Vertical integration visualized


We all know what it means, but what does it look like? Each year Drug Channels updates its chart of vertically integrated insurers, PBMs, specialty pharmacies, and providers—all of which, Drug Channels editors point out, face renewed scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission, the Office of Inspector General, and members of Congress. As the FTC, in particular, takes strides to hold insurer-PBMs accountable, and we’re finding more and more evidence of PBM greed, study this chart so you can help your patients understand the health care world they live in (and one that profoundly affects all of us).

If a practitioner refers you to another healthcare organization or practitioner, this chart may explain why you are being referred!  This chart will show everyone where the referral is to another healthcare organization owned by the same corporation. It is called SELF-REFERRAL and most likely the practitioner that you are seeing is an employee of that same corporation.

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