Why Congress doesn’t need to repeal ACA/Obamacare

Humana has already announced that they will no longer participate in Obamacare in 2018 and the CEO of Aetna recently stated that “they had not made the decision yet about 2018 ” If both of these very large ACA providers are not participating in 2018, that means that there will be a lot of areas that will not have the first insurance company to sell policies and competition in a lot of areas will be limited to just one provider… basically NO COMPETITION.
All Congress has to do is repeal/rescind the premium subsidies and the ACA will collapse under its own weight… when people are expected to pay the “full rack rate” for their health insurance premiums.

Insurance can’t even approach an “affordable level” unless all that expect/need coverage participate.  Below is a table of per-cent of drivers that are uninsured per state.. from a low of  3.9% (Mass) to a high of 25.9% (OK). Every state has MANDATORY VEHICLE INSURANCE.

Estimated percentage of uninsured motorists by state

State          Uninsured Rank (2)       State                   Uninsured        Rank (2)
Alabama        19.6%        7                  Montana              14.1%                  15
Alaska            13.2           21                Nebraska              6.7                       44
Arizona          10.6           29               Nevada                  12.2                     23
Arkansas       15.9            11                New Hampshire  9.3                       34
California      14.7            13               New Jersey           10.3                     30
Colorado       16.2             9                New Mexico          21.6                     4
Connecticut   8.0            41               New York               5.3                       49
Delaware        11.5           27               North Carolina     9.1                        35
D.C.                 11.9           24               North Dakota       5.9                        47
Florida (3)     23.8          2                 Ohio                       13.5                        17
Georgia          11.7            26              Oklahoma             25.9                        1
Hawaii           8.9             37              Oregon                     9.0                        36
Idaho             6.7             45               Pennsylvania          6.5                        46
Illinois           13.3          20                Rhode Island         17.0                        8
Indiana         14.2           14                South Carolina      7.7                          43
Iowa              9.7             32                South Dakota        7.8                          42
Kansas          9.4            33                Tennessee               20.1                        6
Kentucky      15.8           12               Texas                        13.3                         19
Louisiana      13.9          16               Utah                          5.8                          48
Maine            4.7            50               Vermont                  8.5                           39
Maryland      12.2          22               Virginia                   10.1                          31
Massachusetts3.9         51                Washington           16.1                          10
Michigan       21.0          5                 West Virginia         8.4                           40
Minnesota    10.8          28               Wisconsin               11.7                          25
Mississippi   22.9          3                 Wyoming                8.7                            38
Missouri        13.5          18

I would suspect that you will find similar numbers of people driving cars that don’t have a driver’s license.

It is estimated that the USA has a 1-2 TRILLION/yr  underground economy and the income taxes evaded on that money… would close the annual deficit in the Federal budget… about 600 billion/yr


Congress has mandated that hospital have to treat/stabilize anyone walking thru their doors… seeking treatment. Also medical bills are the largest single reason for personal bankruptcies.  Meaning that a lot of “small businesses” – doctors, pharmacies, hospitals end up “eating” those $$$ wiped clean with a person declaring bankruptcy.

Let’s approach this issue of providing healthcare in a business like manner.. even though Obamacare has abt 20 million people with coverage.. we still have abt 30 million that still doesn’t have any health insurance.

Lets start with a 5% sales tax very soon and beginning with 2018 let everyone enroll into Medicare in their birth month. Like most sales taxes… food, medication, rent, utilities will be exempt. Phase out Obamacare in the same manner. Everyone will have a deductible of maybe 5% of their gross income, and will pay 20% after the deductible. There will be no more prior authorizations, quantity limits, step therapy and the rest of the BS that insurance companies have put in place in order to “save the system money”,but has done more to establish their dictatorship over our healthcare and help “pad their bottom line”.  Those currently on Medicaid or getting some sort of subsidy will continue to get some sort of subsidy.

The sales tax rate will be adjusted annually based on one year back actual cost per capita to provide healthcare to our citizens.  No system will ever be perfect, but we need to strive to improve upon what we have failed to do to date. The transition will be neither painless nor transparent, but there are no quick fixes.

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