It is pretty simple answer… Law firms … like all other businesses is a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS. Just look at all the “ambulance chasing “
personal injury law firms that advertise on TV… Most claim… you don’t pay … unless YOU WIN… They don’t take every case that someone comes to them with…. they weigh their chances of winning or losing… basically there is a handful of well worn paths to a pot of money – mostly from insurance companies. What they don’t regularly share is that most settlements are done by exchanging letters – or mediation – between the insurance company the law firm until a $$$ sum is agreed upon… very few go to court.
With law firms that take a case on contingency basic… I would expect those that are settled with negotiating by letter that the law firm will probably get rewarded at least ten times what the exchange of negotiation costs them.
If someone is bold enough to try and sue the DEA.. they are not going to get any $$$ from the FEDS… if one wins… ideally the win will mean that they change their policies and hope that they don’t find a work around for what they were sued for and start doing a similar thing again. I suspect that most law firms would take on a case that person wants to sue over… if they can come up with enough cash to cover all the anticipated hours they will bill for… in trying to suing the Fed government… that could involve several million
I know a person that was an employee of and sued a large corporation over violations of EEOC, ADA, and whistler blower. The law firm that took the case on a contingency basis and the case was settled via mediation – never went to trial – my understanding is that the law firm tracked the number of billable hours for this case and at the rate they charge.. the total was NORTH of ONE MILLION… I don’t know what the final settlement was, but it is my understanding is that the attorney that was the “lead” on this case… was MADE A PARTNER of the firm after this case was settled. One can only imagine what the total settlement was, to make the lead attorney a partner in the firm… meaning that this attorney will share in the profits of the law firm going forward on top of what the attorney is paid for their billable hours.
Filed under: General Problems
In a different type case scenario,,,the feds will also drag out a case on purpose with the hopes u run out of money..They did such a thing to the inventor of the gyroscope,ie helicopter,,the PItcariens,,they won after 10 years in the American court system,,,Thus why,personally I try the International Courts/Human Rights organization.The DEA,, did get tossed of many South American countries a while back by Inter -American,,,for human rights violation .coincidently ,shortly after that,,the DEA started comming for our Doctors and us,,,Wonder if they had a bunch of un-employed DEA agents??just thinken out loud,,,jmo,maryw