By Charlene Bedford, Guest Columnist
I am 40 years old, with two young boys. In 2011, I was diagnosed with ankloysing spondylitis, a severe auto-immune disease for which there is no cure. I have severe damage to my sacroiliac joints. They are fused together, and boy is that painful. It is now traveling up my spine.
I have tried every biologic on the market and almost died from Cosentyx after developing a severe intestinal infection. I also almost died from Humira. I’ve had many medicines over many years, but I am stable on opiates, no longer bedridden and able to keep my job. The opiates take my pain level from a 10 down to a 3 or 4. They’re very effective. Nothing else even comes close in relief.
Then the CDC opioid guidelines came out. Last month my doctor said to me, “According to the CDC, I have to taper you off all opiates.”
I am a government contractor and have colleagues at the FDA, CDC, Medicare and Medicaid. I even emailed my state senator. They ALL told me there is no law that says she can’t prescribe opiates. It is still up to the doctors. But no doctor working within 100 miles of me will prescribe. I have called every single one since she stated she was going to taper me completely.
So, each day I can’t sleep, worrying about what is going to happen at my next refill. The dosage is being cut each time. I told my boss that once the medicine is gone, I will not be able to mentally or physically deal with the pain.
The pain in my spine is as bad as labor pain. It never goes away. Every minute, every day, all year long. No human can tolerate that kind of pain. I think about suicide, but I can’t leave my children. I’m thinking maybe I could buy heroin and use very little to control my pain. But I have never seen it, wouldn’t know where to get it, and figure I’m just better off dead.

For 7 years I was a stellar patient. Never failed a drug test. Pill counts were always spot on. But now my life is literally being taken away. I can’t stand without medicine. I can’t walk without medicine. Yet addicts have 13 pages of rights I read about. If an addict is being treated with medication, they can’t be denied a job, housing, etc. But what happened to my rights? I am fully disabled.
To make matters worse, I asked the doctor about palliative care and she said “No, that is for cancer only.” Which I also found is not true. The three criteria for palliative care describe my illness exactly: no cure, a shortened life span, and a symptom treatment that significantly improves quality of life.
I can’t even oppose or file a complaint against my doctor or she will discharge me. She doesn’t like to be challenged.
Please, please help us. There will always be addicts. Putting everyone in one category is not right. There are more traffic deaths than overdoses but they’re not banning cars. One million abortions and that’s okay?
The inflated CDC overdose numbers that caused opioid hysteria are all a big fat lie. Yes, people will overdose, but studies show they would have anyway. They have mental health issues or other problems. How many of those deaths were related to patients being denied medicine? A bet there are a lot.
The studies are out there. Prescription opioids have declined, and heroin deaths increased. It’s not that hard to figure out why. The VA denies all opiates now. More vets are committing suicide than ever before.
This needs to stop. I want a lawsuit against the government. There is a federal law that states the government cannot interfere with doctor-patient care. Their fake hysteria and crisis have scared every doctor and they just aren’t prescribing. This has gone too far.

Charlene Bedford lives in Pennsylvania.
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Filed under: General Problems
medial herb could be a good thing,but I have researched it well,and the hoops you must jump thru are many-plus!Not covered by medicare/aid so you need to have a lot of $$$to do this.Until insurance approes it,you’ll be right back at squareone.Check it and see!I dont know about other states,but super pricey to go yhat route.GOOD LUCK!
My Dr.isnt the problem.He’s a Christian and very caring.Had him for over 20 yrs.and keeping him.It’s the pharmacies!In Ocala,Fla.Treated like dirt by ALL walgreens,CVS,ma n pa stores and BITTINGS ESPECIALLY-hope this notice helps shut em down.They’ve had 2 fires,both of which I think were arson.I dont condone that,but I do relate[it was after no injury to anything but the premises]Optum rx is my ONLY help,and they are anything but organized!!!To their credit,Publix has been honest and caring,but they’re being throttled too.I will surely send letter to ‘buckgirl’if it helps,today,in fact!Thanx for your support and input.Lisa
Cruel, criminal what they are doing to you. Is there a teaching uni hospital nearby? I am so so sorry, hope something good happens asap.
so far i have a caring but very nervous Dr.and optum rx is my ONLY supplier[we wont go into their service-terrible]I also have had enuf of being lied to.I would rather die than hurt more than I am now.I am being forced into surgery cuz of the tightening noose.I am willing if it will stop the pain,but so far,everyone who’s had the surgeryy says it’s only worse!Look at Prince,doing gymnastics on stage,but,oh!he needs Fentanyl!right….so the kid o.d.’s and now he f—–d it up for those that cant even stand up without that white hot bolt of pain.The DEA is only gonna build heroin sales with their current M.O.Oh,and a thousand middle fingers to Fla.governor “Prick Scott”How deeply I’d like to kick him in the nuts so he can feel what I do hour after hour.While everyone sleeps soundly,I am rocking in pain.Wish they would bring back methaqualone,,,,
Have you tried looking for another doctor? We all need to fight back, get on Twitter, Facebook, join Advocate groups. I’ve had two doctors lie to me too. Send a letter to the White House at they’ll kick your letter over to the CDC, the CDC will send you a letter telling you that they don’t recommend involuntary tapering, and the guidelines are not a law.
Thank for that info!! Did not know that about CDC. I’m actually a junior ambassador for U.S.Pain Network where we collect letters and send them where they need to go. We also meet with delegates, Senators etc. If anyone is interested in sending me a letter please do so at we have to fight together or this will never work! Thanks in advance!