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Your NOVEMBER VOTE could mean better/worse quality of life for you !
Posted on September 18, 2018 by Pharmaciststeve
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Politicians,want to be elected or reelected. They are not concerned about chronic pain patients. They are only concerned with drug addicts and overdose death. Telling them you will not vote for them if they do not support chronic pain patients means nothing. Better to lose a few votes than countless votes.
Two important things to remember. First, politicians lie. Second, what you consider support of chronic pain patients. Is not going to be,what politicians consider support of chronic pain patients.
I do think that if ALL patients would contact their reps and senators, and Boldly Tell them IF you don’t speak out and truly mean it Right NOW supporting pain patients??!!
I’m voting you OUT ASAP!!!
I have no idea who to vote for because opioids have become a dirty word unless it’s about treating addicts. Gus Bilkrusis Republican representative of Pinellas county in Florida is the only one whom I heard a even a peep out of about the Patient side of all this and he was awful talking to the dea.
I get biweekly newsletters from nearly all of them in FL. But All say the same thing. Addict this, and addict that..
If someone could enlighten me on who supports? I don’t care what party they’re affiliated with, I’d vote for them.
98% of those in Congress EXPECT to get reelected, no matter what they have done or not done or have promised. Congress functions on a seniority system.. those who have been there the most years chair the most important committees and wield the most power. It is claimed that they are going to spend 50 million to get Senator Nelson in FL reelected after 30 yrs in the senate.. this is one senator that voted AGAINST the passage of Medicare Part D – that would provide insurance coverage medication for the first time for Medicare folks -after Medicare provided no coverage for the first FORTY YEARS… He also voted AGAINST the recent tax cuts for individuals. This is the like the $$$ that was spent to get McConnell to get re-elected a couple of years ago so that he would be head of the Senate if a Republican got into the White House ..The current Congress … nearly everything has been voted upon by political lines… this bill 99 to 1 for treating addicts. The people of this country did not elected the person that was EXPECTED to be the first woman President. Sending a large proportion of Congress a packing will basically upset their “apple cart”.. their seniority system will be put in chaos and in 2 yr 87% of Congress will be up for reelection again. They should GET IT… that if it was done once.. it could happen again… so they might be more interested in listening to the people they represent… they don’t … toss their asses out… They will be more like to GET IT at that point… getting re-elected can not be EXPECTED.. the times have changed and the people expect to be properly represented. IT will be proven that $$$ cannot buy an election and $$$ from Lobbyists could cost them their next election… if the Lobbyists want things that the people won’t want.
Great comment, Steve. I’d like to see ALL their asses out of Congress and the Senate. Take the AG, FDA Director, new CDC Director along with them…They all suffer by choice from being ignorant, incapable,incompetent and lazy. And, by choice, they all suffer from blindness and deafness. These stupids cannot be fixed. Kick their asses out, take away their bennies, all of them. Bless Pat, this means they might have to find a real job and actually work!!!
As for all opiate maintained CPP’S the options are: Move to certain European Countries. The medical care is far superior than anywhere in the USA anyway where they DO believe in opiate maintenance…and DON’T have the “addiction” problems with illicits…and, with dual citizenship, won’t need to worry with stupidly high priced health insurance. Hey, get your pain managed, take on a job, have better overall medical care and not live in the USA where your Govt WANTS you dead because you’re sick, disabled, suffering and cost $$$. The USA Government doesn’t give a damn…nor do your ” pain management Docs”, if either gave a damn, trust me, CPP’s would NOT be suffering!